
Laughter-it really is the best medicine. For as long as I can remember I have loved to laugh. I know it sounds kind of strange but it’s true. To me there just isn’t anything better then to laugh. Out loud and in a true silly way.

I’ve had experiences with my 3 sisters and my mom where we would just find something that we felt was really funny and off we’d go laughing until we’re were crying. Sometimes there would be no one else in the room that got what we were laughing so hard about it was just the 5 of us that found the incident to be so humorous. Still, it felt so darn good to laugh to the point where your cheeks cramped and your stomach hurt.

Grandmother Pa’Ris’Ha has taught that (along with appreciation) laughter can heal us and help change angry and tense situations. Why else would the YouTube videos with babies laughing have the most hits? Laughter lightens our load and our hearts!

The funny thing is (pun intended) you can start out your laughter by forcing yourself into it, faking it, and ya know our bodies can’t tell the difference between real or forced laughing. After just a few seconds you feel so silly about faking and forcing yourself into laughter that you just have to crack up. Laughter is linked to a part of the brain that when activated produces endorphins. Laughter causes the dilation of the inner lining of blood vessels (endothelium) and increases blood flow. What could be better then increased oxygen flow in the body.

I encourage you to try this experiment; when you find yourself in a tense or angry situation with others (hey even alone) – start laughing any way you can and see how the tone in you and the other people changes and is uplifted. I hope everyone realizes that I am not talking about laughing AT someone. Or to make fun of another in an uncaring or cruel way.  It seems we (humans) take ourselves much too seriously.  You may have heard, as we change ourselves we change the world.  This is such a simple and fun thing to do. Give it a try and let me know of  your experiences.

E.E. Cummings said: The most wasted of all days is one with out laughter.

Mark Twain says: The human race has only one really effective weapon, and that is laughter.   And one more…………………

From Mother Teresa: Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.

May you laugh with abandon and often.

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